3.10 Time to evolve 'guys'
‘Hey guys’ is a phrase I think we have all uttered often with intent and meaning to be inclusive,
Yet, have we stopped to give pause and thought, to consider if our inclusion is in fact abusive?
‘Guys’ is the plural of ‘guy’, hardly a word that can be remotely argued as being gender-neutral,
Stop pretending it is and deluding yourself. A defence can only be attempted in vain and is futile.
To adapt is to evolve and to grow, learn and develop. This is a path open to all and is not exclusive.
‘Thanks guys, you are awesome.’ But what about those who are non-binary and of a different gender?
Would you not say to your wife, go use that bathroom labelled ‘guys’; in case it would offend her?
Surely you would not ask your straight brother, ‘How many guys have you dated this year buddy?’
Because this would offend with a word which has swiftly become offensive and its meaning muggy.
But because you use it on me, suddenly it is OK, ignoring my feelings and making them to you surrender.
People say: “You cannot be gender-neutral because you are seen in society as an openly gay man”,
Gay man you say? No dear. A gay person I may be. I take your label of man and to this I do ban.
Needlessly having an obsession and compulsion to label, to tag, to define and to pointlessly categorise.
But for what end or purpose does it serve to stick a label on and to be judged by the world’s eyes?
Come on people. Evolve. Strip your labels. Not everything in life is as clear as being a woman or a man.
Most people intend and mean to include everyone, but sadly, not everyone will hear it the way you intend,
Just because that is what you wanted to convey in your heart does not stop it from being able to offend.
“Cheers guys.” “No worries guys. “What a great day guys.” All phrases with morale intended to boost.
But instead of doing what was intended, it has the opposite effect and morale is in fact reduced.
There is no need to cling to antiquated meanings. Change is good, change helps us to evolve in the end.
Jamie Scott Watkinson-Harvey
Yet, have we stopped to give pause and thought, to consider if our inclusion is in fact abusive?
‘Guys’ is the plural of ‘guy’, hardly a word that can be remotely argued as being gender-neutral,
Stop pretending it is and deluding yourself. A defence can only be attempted in vain and is futile.
To adapt is to evolve and to grow, learn and develop. This is a path open to all and is not exclusive.
‘Thanks guys, you are awesome.’ But what about those who are non-binary and of a different gender?
Would you not say to your wife, go use that bathroom labelled ‘guys’; in case it would offend her?
Surely you would not ask your straight brother, ‘How many guys have you dated this year buddy?’
Because this would offend with a word which has swiftly become offensive and its meaning muggy.
But because you use it on me, suddenly it is OK, ignoring my feelings and making them to you surrender.
People say: “You cannot be gender-neutral because you are seen in society as an openly gay man”,
Gay man you say? No dear. A gay person I may be. I take your label of man and to this I do ban.
Needlessly having an obsession and compulsion to label, to tag, to define and to pointlessly categorise.
But for what end or purpose does it serve to stick a label on and to be judged by the world’s eyes?
Come on people. Evolve. Strip your labels. Not everything in life is as clear as being a woman or a man.
Most people intend and mean to include everyone, but sadly, not everyone will hear it the way you intend,
Just because that is what you wanted to convey in your heart does not stop it from being able to offend.
“Cheers guys.” “No worries guys. “What a great day guys.” All phrases with morale intended to boost.
But instead of doing what was intended, it has the opposite effect and morale is in fact reduced.
There is no need to cling to antiquated meanings. Change is good, change helps us to evolve in the end.
Jamie Scott Watkinson-Harvey